Large Parks

It was recognized that large urban parks can have unique socio-cultural environmental and economic roles and issues. A World Urban Parks-hosted web conference of large urban parks leaders in November 2015 endorsed a term of reference and proposed a Large Urban Parks executive committee and initial activities to facilitate a Large Urban Parks Network.

Large urban parks provide both common and unique issues for planning, management, revitalization, and ongoing care. They also provide services beyond those of small urban parks and squares. There is a need to share knowledge about how to handle various tasks and issues among large urban parks stewards, managers, funders, planners, defenders, and advocates.

     Future Directions 

   Development of comprehensive set of strategies for addressing the 21st century challenges being faced by Large Urban Parks.

      Retooling of Large Urban Parks Award process in conjunction with comprehensive look at WUP awards.

       Refinement and dissemination of Urban Parks database.

Michael Boland


Richard Murray


Henrik Waldenstrom
Executive Officer



Michael Boland       

Denise Ora

Alberto Ipas

Clive Read

Eric Tamulonis

Hooshmand Alizadeh

Marie Ledevehat’


Richard Murray

Henrik Waldenstrom

Peter Verdyck

Carl McClean

Lilia Haua

Janeen Jackson

Do you want to be part of us?

If you want to be part of this committee please contact.

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