Directions & Policies

Strategic Directions

2018 - 2023

The World Urban Parks Strategic Directions 2018 were developed by the CEO with input and endorsement from the Board, with it clearly outlining the purpose of WUP, our aspirations, our strategic priorities and focus along with the expected outcomes. Strategic Directions 2018 is an important document for our organisation.

The next five years build on our strong history as a sector leader, the emerging strength of our advocacy and alliances is set in a mood of excitement about what we can now achieve. We now aspire to establish our role as the industry leader with even greater membership-centred services.

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The Strategic Statement aims to achieve our responsibilities regarding

World Urban Parks contribution to the UN Sustainability Goals:

Primary World Urban Parks contribute directly to:

And through our contribution to the above, we achieve and are committed to:

And we aspire through our actions that we will also assist communities to achieve the following UN Sustainability Goals:


All our future policies, statements and work of World Urban Parks will identify how they contribute to the UN Sustainability Goals.

Park Networks

Comprehensive and well managed urban parks and city open spaces improving the quality of life for urban dwellers and protecting natural and cultural values

Park Benefits

The economic, environmental, cultural and social values of urban parks and city open spaces are well understood and supported across the world by communities and their governments

People Networks

Urban park managers and stewards are well connected with ready access to quality information and training to enhance their effectiveness

Global Voice

World Urban Parks recognised as the global unified voice for urban parks and city open space

Our Strategic Priorities


A global voice supporting the value and benefits of parks and the industry through science and unity


Built on a strong foundation of organizational and individual membership representing world-class communities, organizations, and professionals recognized for high standards and efficiencies.


Networked, influential and collaborative through diverse networks of colleagues and partnerships


Efficient management and administration to ensure all legislative and regulatory requirements are met, and that members and funders have full confidence in WUP

Governance Policies

World Urban Parks champions urban park outcomes for city livability, place-making, conservation and access, and provides strong membership services by connecting, leveraging and supporting diverse membership across the international urban parks, open space and recreation community and allied sectors. 

World Urban Parks advocates strongly for improved park, open space and recreation outcomes in cities and has developed a range of policy positions.

Advocacy Policies





Advocacy Policies:



Partnerships Policies:



Updated Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that World Urban Parks has appropriate practices and controls in place to manage membership information. This Policy will cover what information World Urban Parks collects, how the data is used, and how to inform World Urban Parks of a privacy issue.  


This Policy has been developed to be compliant with the European Union's (EU) Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (2018). The GDPR is to protect EU data collected by businesses and organisations within the EU, but also outside the EU for EU citizens.